FCE Secondary 3


This week we started the new book! We spoke about fashion and the way we dress for different occasions. On Tuesday we spoke about the media, films and music and we did a listening task about jobs.

This week we only had class one day and it was only with half of the class since some students were on a school trip so we had a pleasant conversation about hypothetical situations. Nice talk girls!! 

Week 1 5th - 6th October

We are back! It's nice to see you again! Remember we are going to finish last year's book before we start with the new one. 

Tuesday 19th May 

Today we devoted the class to grammar! What a boring class!! Reported speech! Even it was boring and the topic is not new for us we all realized that we need a review. For homework we have to read and do the exam task on pages 58 & 59. 

Monday 18th May 

Today we read our writings, they were all a tribute to people in our families we admire. We learnt about strong grandpas and fantastic grandmas! After sharing our writings we started did some exercises on such and so and finishing the exam practice on speaking part 2.

Tuesday 12th May 

We continued with the same topic: fashion. We had some questions to ask each other in pairs. For homework we have to write an article about on a famous person that we admire. 

 Monday 11th May 

Today we started describing pictures about fashion, different looks and styles. Then we listened to a girl describing her look and then we all talked about our likes and dislikes when it comes to fashion matters and hairstyle.

 Tuesday 28th April 

On Tuesday we started reading a text. It was an exam task and since it was hard for us we did all together in class. We had to insert sentences into gaps in the text and we learnt soem strategies to do the task, such as, paying attention to the connectors. The last part of the lesson we practice reprhasings with such, so , as ... as, too ... 

Monday 27th April

First we checked our writing task. We have to congratulate Pablor for his article, it was really good! Then the teacher explained how to use questions tasks and we did some practice with them

Tuesday 21th April 

On Tuesday we worked on speaking (Page 48). For homework we have to write an article (page 49)

Monday 2oth April 

On Monday we saw a video about zoos, we learnt vocabulary related to the topic and we discussed if zoos should exist or not.

Tuesday 14th April 

Today we did the listening task on unit 6. We continued with the topic of environment and we finshed speaking thing that could be done in our school to reduce the impact we make on the environment. 
Homework: worksheet with rephrasing. 


Monday 13th April 

Today's topic was environment. We discussed about what we can do to protect the environment. Later we did a mind map about environmentally friendly actions.

Tuesday 7th April

We were back from the Easter break and we spent some time telling the class what we have done these days. Later we checked the essays. This week we do not have homework!

Holidays homework: 

'Does school really prepare students for life?'

Write an opinion essay (140-190 words)


Tuesday 17th March 

On Tuesday we checked the mock exam. We have a look at our writings and we review thing we have to take into account when we write a letter, an essay or a review. The teacher also explained the assessment for writing at FCE (Content, Communicative achievement, organisation and language). Homework: photocopy with transformations.

Have a look at this writing tips for FCE

Monday 16th March 

On Monday first we started speaking about the photographs on page 46. Then we listened to the descriptions of the countries that appear on the images and we talked about the plase where we live: weather conditions, climate, seasons, etc. We all agreed that Spain is a good place to live in!

Monday 9th March and Tuesday 10th March

This week we have continued with the mock exams: reading, writing and speaking.

Tuesday 3rd March. 

Today the teacher had a suprised for us: a mock exam. First we did a listening task and then use of english. Next monday we will continue with reading and writing

Monday 2nd March

First we checked homework and we did the rephrasings on page 41.

Tuesday 24th February 

Today we check the exam task we had for homework (p. 38) and we learned some new phrasal verbs, such as, stand out, put up with, come cross, keep up with, etc. (page 40). Then we review condotionals and for homework we have to exercises 3,4,5 and 6 p.41. 


Monday 23 February 

Today we spent the class speaking and discussing about degrees and careers. First we learned some personality adjectives. After that we talked in pairs about the pictures on p. 40  and then all together discussed about our future careers and the different choices we have. 

Tuesday 17th February 

We continued with page 35 speaking about food and diet. Homework: Exam Task pages 38 and 39.


Monday 16th February 

We checked homework and then we worked on word formation (page35)

Tuesday 10th February 

We have been working on the speaking paper parts 3 and 4. The teacher explained what these parts consist in and then we practice the discussion and the conversation in pairs or groups (p. 33) Then we moved on into writing, we worked on how to write a letter or an email (p36).Homework: modal verbs exercises and write a letter p. 37. 


Monday 9th February 

We started by checking hw and then we worked on preposItions (p. 34) and we also worked on prepostional phrases with verbs (photocopy)

Tuesday 3rd February.

Since we found the listenings a lit bit of a challenge on Tuesday the teacher brought the transcripts and we went over them. Then the teacher explained different uses of modal verbs.
Homework: page 34 reading task and finished the modals exercises

Monday 2nd February
We started by checking the revision and then we did some listening practice (page32).

Tuesday 20th January

We continue working on the passive voice. The teacher dictated some sentences in active voice that we turned into passive voice. Then, we changed the topic and we continued the rest of the lesson talking about sports.

Watch out this video with some vocabulary about sports

Monday 19th January

Today we started by checking homework. The teacher introduced a new grammar topic for us: the passive. We worked on that all the class and by the end of the class we think we all got it.

Tuesday 13th January

Today we continued working on speaking. This time with part 2 of the FCE exam. The teacher explained that in FCE we not only have to describe the pictures but also compare them and answer a question related to the situations in the images. We worked on this, listening to some examples and practising ourselves. The topic of the images were music and film so the speaking were quiet good since we all like them. However the teacher encouraged us to use more vocabulary related to the topics, such as plot, characters, special effects, bands, concerts, etc.


Monday 12th January

Today it was our first day of English class after the Christmas day so we spent some time speaking about things we did on holidays. In order to do that we wrote three questions to ask our partners and we all moved around the class asking and answering questions about the holidays. Then we corrected homework and we started a speaking task (part 1 in FCE). We worked on how to include additional information when answering questions in the speaking exam.


Malala Yousafzai on winning the Nobel Peace Prize
 Malala Yousafzai on winning the Nobel Peace Prize

Malala Yousafzai is the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner. She is from Pakistan and she campaigns for the rights of girls to get an education. In this short video you can hear Malala speaking after receiving the prize.    - See more at: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/video-zone/malala-yousafzai-winning-nobel-peace-prize#sthash.t3cU0z6z.dpuf

Malala Yousafzai is the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner. She is from Pakistan and she campaigns for the rights of girls to get an education. In this short video you can hear Malala speaking after receiving the prize.    - See more at: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/video-zone/malala-yousafzai-winning-nobel-peace-prize#sthash.t3cU0z6z.dpuf
Malala Yousafzai is the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner. She is from Pakistan and she campaigns for the rights of girls to get an education. In this short video you can hear Malala speaking after receiving the prize.    - See more at: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/video-zone/malala-yousafzai-winning-nobel-peace-prize#sthash.t3cU0z6z.dpuf

Tuesday 25th November

On Tuesday we focused on speaking. We learn lots of useful vocabulary for speaking aobut the place where we lived and we reviewed some expressions that we use for agreeing and disagreeing in a conversation. Then we had a dicussion about living in the city or living in the countryside. We all concluded that we prefer to live in the city even if it has some disadvantages like pollution, traffic or crowds. Homework: page 16 exercises 1 and 2 and also the worksheet about common verbs and their collocations.


 Monday 24th November

On Monday we started checkning homework and we followed up by wacthing the videos of the blog and speaking about them.

Tuesday 11th November

We read our essays aloud and we discussed about them and then the teacher read a model answer and we were glad to see that ours weren't so bad! Then the teacher gave us a sheet with linking words and connectors that we can use (and we have to use) in our writings.

Monday 3th November

First we checked the reading exercise we had for homework, we all agreed that this year readings are more difficult than last year. The teacher explained us some reading comprehension tecnhiques and we managed to understand the text.

Tuesday 4th November.

Speaking: we talked about how important are family and friends for teenagers and then we read an example of an essay on this topic. Then the teacher explained to us how to write an essay, we learnt some linking words doing an exercise with them and for homework we have to write our first essay on teenagers and grandparents.

Watch out this videoabout elderly people, I'm sure you will have some fun!

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